Volunteer Training Program
Volunteer Training Program
At Community Solutions, we believe that our commitment to volunteer development is one the keys to our success and the primary reason why we handle the widest variety of cases in the tri-county area.
All of our volunteers are required to take the 32-hour Basic Mediation Training (BMT) course, which meets the requirements of the University of Oregon (UO) policy and the standards adopted by the Oregon Association of Community Dispute Resolution Centers (OACDRC). Volunteers must also keep current with their annual 12-hours of Continuing Education (CE) as required per UO policy and OACDRC standards.
In addition, many of our volunteers have successfully completed advanced training in areas such as: Court Procedures, Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program (OFAP), FED Procedures for landlord/tenant cases, Manufactured Communities, and Probate Guardianship/Conservatorship.
Upon completion of the BMT course, we meet individually with volunteers to review their background, experience, and personal goals as they relate to community service and mediation. We also review confidentiality, conflict of interest, and background check requirements prior to a volunteer beginning their role as a mediator.